Kosmos Musik Thurgau awards prizes to projects

In January 2020, the Thurgau Cultural Office launched the KosmosMusik-Thurgau call for proposals to promote innovative, participatory and cross-genre music projects in the canton of Thurgau. A five-member jury of experts selected two projects.

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The music theater project "Chronik eines Aussterbens oder der innere Klang" by Micha Stuhlmann and Beat Keller and the concert series "NOEISE" for contemporary music by trumpeter Christoph Luchsinger received awards.

The interdisciplinary project "Chronicle of an Extinction or the Inner Sound" will be performed as an open-air play with the participation of a Thurgau choir in spring 2022 at Schreckenmoos in Kreuzlingen. Micha Stuhlmann and Beat Keller will combine music, theater and dance in a performance. The project will also be filmed. Christoph Luchsinger is designing an innovative concert series that aims to make contemporary music accessible to a broad public and take place in unconventional venues. Three programs are planned so far, which will be performed in the 2021/22 season.

KosmosMusikThurgau was announced as part of the funding priority Impulse for the Thurgau music scene of the 2019-2022 cultural concept and was aimed at musicians who, in collaboration with Thurgau-based groups of all musical genres, implement music projects that pursue an innovative, independent approach and promote networking and cooperation.

The competition was announced in January 2020 and the submission deadline was extended by two months due to the exceptional situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Eight projects were received by June 30, 2020, which were assessed by a jury of experts.

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