Aarau bridging aid

The Aarau regulations on bridging assistance in the cultural sector are now in force after the referendum deadline. Applications can be submitted immediately.

Photo: Ferran Feixas/unsplash.com (see below)

The regulations stipulate that cultural workers and associations from the cultural sector based in Aarau who are in need due to COVID-19 restrictions can apply for financial assistance from the city of Aarau. This applies retroactively from March 13 and until December 31, 2020, with a total of CHF 40,000 available for bridging assistance. In addition to the subsidiary payment of compensation for loss of earnings, the basic fees for the cultural use of public spaces and places will also be reimbursed under certain conditions.

In addition to the written justification of the emergency situation, applications for loss of earnings compensation also require proof that the application has been submitted to the relevant cantonal and national authorities and their decisions. In addition, income and expenditure, the asset situation and current liquidity must be disclosed.

For the waiver of basic fees for the cultural use of public spaces or buildings in the city, an application must be submitted with the corresponding invoices and a description of the planned or already held event.

Applications must be submitted by December 31, 2020 at the latest to the Kulturstelle, Abteilung Kultur Aarau, at kulturstelle@aarau.ch or by post to Rathausgasse 1, 5000 Aarau. The Cultural Office will continue to support creative artists and cultural associations in an advisory capacity.

The regulations on bridging assistance in the cultural sector can be found under the following link: https://aarau.tlex.ch/frontend/versions/302

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