Chur honors Andrea Thöny

This year, the city of Chur is awarding a recognition prize to the art historian Leza Dosch, the double bass player Andrea Thöny, the journalist Margrit Sprecher and the Galeria Cuadro22.

Symbolic image: eggeeggjiew/

Double bassist Andrea Thöny grew up in Chur and Haldenstein. He came to music by singing at home, at elementary school and at teacher training college through contact with highly committed music teachers. In Chur, the musician made a name for himself as a founding member of the Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra, and the City Council is now awarding him the recognition prize in particular for his great commitment to music education.

The recognition prizes are awarded in recognition of at least 10 years of cultural work that is of importance to the city and its immediate region. Both the recognition and sponsorship prizes are endowed with CHF 4000 each. Every three years, in addition to the recognition and sponsorship prizes, the city of Chur can also award a cultural prize worth CHF 8,000 to honor significant and long-standing cultural work. In 2020, this prize went to the architect Peter Zumthor from Haldenstein.

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