Zurich with simplified compensation model

The Culture Department of the Canton of Zurich is applying a new compensation model. For a limited period until the end of April, cultural workers will receive a replacement income of CHF 3,840 per month - this corresponds to 80 percent of an assumed monthly loss of CHF 4,800.

Photo: Claudio Schwarz/unsplash.com (see below)

All payments that cultural professionals receive from other sources, such as compensation for loss of earnings, are deducted from these 3840 francs. Cultural professionals declare these figures themselves. However, the specialist department for culture will carry out spot checks. False declarations have consequences under criminal law.

The model is efficient, writes the canton, because it keeps the administrative effort and costs for assessing applications low. The random checks and the threat of punishment are effective means of preventing possible abuse.

The model also creates justice: it ensures that low earners in the cultural sector can survive. The few high earners among the cultural professionals go away empty-handed, unless they have canceled events. These will continue to be compensated. Incidentally, the income replacement benefits in this group are higher than CHF 4800.

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