Kultur Basel-Stadt loses co-director

After around five years in the Department of Culture, Sonja Kuhn, Co-Head of the Department of Culture Basel-Stadt, wants to take on a new professional challenge and will be leaving the Presidential Department at the end of July 2021.

Photo: Claudio Büttler / unsplash.com (see below)

Sonja Kuhn joined as deputy manager in 2016, then took over as interim manager until she finally became co-manager together with Katrin Grögel in January 2018. She will continue to perform her duties as usual until the end of the regular notice period at the end of July 2021. The previous co-head Katrin Grögel will take over the overall management of the Culture department from August 2021.

According to a press release issued by the City of Basel, the search for a deputy head has been initiated. The Department of Presidential Affairs has decided to advertise the vacant position as deputy head of the Department of Culture. 

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