Bern Corona Scholarships

The city of Bern wants to support creative artists in the form of coronavirus grants. The municipal council, the city's executive body, is making a total of 800,000 francs available.

Photo: Timon Studler / (see below)

The survey launched by the City of Bern entitled "How are you? Cultural workers and corona in Bern" confirmed, according to the city's press release, that the financial situation of cultural workers has deteriorated enormously within a year and that financial reserves are continuously decreasing or have already been used up. 411 cultural workers from a wide range of professions in the cultural sector took part in the survey.

With the Corona grant, the municipal council wants to give creative artists the opportunity to break out of crisis mode, so to speak, thanks to short-term help and make preparations for the next creative steps. While work grants always focus on work on a final product, the corona grants are intended to provide a breathing space and give an impetus for the next project idea. A total of CHF 800,000 is available for this purpose.

All professional artists living and/or working in the municipality of Bern who are in a financial emergency due to the current situation are eligible to apply. Grants are awarded up to a maximum of CHF 3000. The measure is intended to provide quick, uncomplicated and direct assistance and is limited in time. Applications can be submitted from March 26 to April 16.


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