Praise for Basel Theater's open foyer

54 personalities from Germany, Austria and Switzerland took a close look at the German-speaking theater landscape as part of a survey conducted by Deutsche Bühne magazine.

Open Foyer Theater Basel (Image: Theater Basel)

With regard to "open houses", Theater Basel and the Nationaltheater Mannheim are in the lead with three mentions each. Theater Basel is praised for taking the Open Foyer seriously.

The opera premiere "Berlin Alexanderplatz" at the Theater Bielefeld and the multi-genre project "vendetta, vendetta" at the Staatstheater Nürnberg win with two mentions each. In terms of stage/costume/video/sound, the Zurich Schauspielhaus is in the lead with six nominations.

The inglorious winner of the question of the greatest moment of excitement is, unsurprisingly, the feces attack by the now suspended head of the Hanover State Ballet against a dance critic.

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