Planning application for the sound house

The canton of St. Gallen is currently submitting a planning application to the municipality of Wildhaus-Alt St. Johann for the timber construction of the long-planned sound house. It is expected to be completed by the end of 2024.

Simulation: nightnurse images, Zurich

The Klanghaus is being built on the current site of the Hotel Seegüetli on Lake Schwendi above Unterwasser. Compared to the hotel, it will be built further away from the lake. The first step will therefore be to relocate the current road and demolish the Hotel Seegüetli. The road construction work will start in summer 2021.

The new Klanghaus will be a musical and architectural center for natural sound music. With its unique acoustics, it will attract both professional musicians and amateurs for rehearsals, courses and experiments.

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