St. Gallen honors Ackerhus

The Albert Edelmann Foundation in Ebnat-Kappel preserves historical Toggenburg instruments, handwritten music manuscripts and painted furniture from the 17th to 19th centuries. Now the canton is honoring them.

House organ by Heinrich Ammann, 1807 Photo: Jost Kirchgraber / Canton of St. Gallen

The music collection includes Toggenburg house organs, neck zithers and other instruments as well as numerous handwritten music manuscripts. They bear witness to Toggenburg domestic music and domestic culture in the 18th and 19th centuries. In the 20th century, Albert Edelmann (1886-1963), a teacher, painter and promoter of local folk and cultural heritage who worked at the Dicken Comprehensive School in Ebnat, partially rediscovered, promoted and passed on this cultural heritage. However, the instruments can not only be viewed in the exhibition rooms of the Museum Ackerhus.

According to the canton's press release, the protection was preceded by an assessment by the cultural heritage department at the Office of Culture and an advisory board. They classified the "Music" collection and the "Toggenburg Furniture Painting" collection as cultural heritage of the canton.

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