Architectural competition for new Lucerne Theater completed

The dismissive ruling in connection with the complaints against the competition and adjudication process for a new Lucerne theater is legally binding. The competition is therefore concluded with the winning project "überall".

(Image: Visualization, City of Lucerne)

In its ruling of 9 May 2023, the cantonal court dismissed all appeals against the competition and adjudication process for a new Lucerne theater. The cantonal court's website now shows that this ruling is legally binding. The competition has therefore been successfully concluded with the winning project "überall" by Ilg Santer Architekten Zurich. The project prevailed against 127 other projects. The prize money for the six top-ranked project submissions and the compensation for all 12 projects that were assessed in the second stage of the competition can therefore be paid out.

The revision of the project can therefore begin immediately. It includes various points of criticism from the jury process. Points that strongly influenced the public debate have also been included. The revision process is expected to take around six months. It is then planned to present the result in a parliamentary bill and submit it to the City Council together with the application for the project loan.

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