Chur cultural area network takes shape

The "Kulturraumnetzwerk Chur" association aims to remedy the lack of rehearsal and production spaces in the city. The first rooms should be available for use soon.

The service agreement between the City of Chur and the Cultural Space Network was signed on June 28, 2023. (Image: City of Chur)

At the end of 2017, the Chur City Council adopted the cultural strategy 2020 - 2025, a key element of which is to address the most urgent shortcomings in cultural spaces. As a proposed solution, the city council drew up the "Target image for cultural spaces". In it, it outlines how it intends to address the lack of rehearsal spaces for various cultural disciplines in the city of Chur. On June 21, 2021, the municipal council took note of the target vision. The city council was instructed to press ahead with the work and to include the necessary funds in the budget processes for 2022 and subsequent years.

According to the city's press release, implementation took place in stages. After a six-month participatory process with the city's cultural department and in collaboration with cultural professionals from all sectors, the corresponding umbrella organization was founded in May 2022 in the form of the "Kulturraumnetzwerk Chur" association. The purpose of the association is the central rental, coordination, organization and operation of new, additional rehearsal and production spaces, which are arranged and rented to cultural professionals of different generations and disciplines. The focus is also on networking and the multiple use of individual rooms by different parties.

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