Aarau cultural concept with good results

Aarau's first municipal cultural concept from 2014 has been evaluated. The majority of the objectives have been achieved and essential topics are to be addressed in greater depth in an overarching cultural strategy.

Converted old riding hall in Aarau. Photo: Luca Zanier Photography, Zurich/City of Aarau

The city of Aarau is also constantly developing in the cultural sector, writes the city in its media release. In addition to the successful opening of the Alte Reithalle in October 2021, the merger to form Bühne Aarau and the choice of location for the new KIFF building, festivals such as CIRQU and fanfaluca have become established in recent years. Today, various young event organizers contribute to a diverse cultural offering with their projects.

The evaluation of the 2014 cultural concept confirms the positive development of Aarau's cultural life and highlights the need to consolidate various topics. Further development options are to be developed and explored in greater depth in the coming year. The aim is to develop a cultural strategy covering two legislative periods by the end of 2022 that reflects the needs of cultural professionals and cultural event organizers in addition to the remit of the Culture department.

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