Relevance Monitor Culture 2023 of the Liz Mohn Foundation

91 percent of people in Germany think it is important to preserve the cultural offerings in theaters for future generations. However, four out of ten young adults feel that the offerings are not aimed at them at all.

Symphony concert of the IJOA 2007 in the Margravial Opera House (Image: GB)

It is important to people in Germany (91%) that cultural offerings in theaters are preserved for future generations. A large majority (76%) are also of the opinion that they should continue to be financed with public funds. The offerings are part of cultural identity (82%) and education (91%) in Germany. These are the findings of the new "Relevance Monitor Culture" conducted by the Bertelsmann Stiftung's Liz Mohn Center.

With the nationwide representative forsa survey, the Liz Mohn Center has for the first time investigated the importance of cultural offerings in Germany. The results show almost unanimous support among the population: the work of theaters is important, should be further promoted and preserved for the future.

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