Pro Helvetia Annual Report 2012

By supporting around 3000 projects, the Swiss Arts Council has made it possible for Swiss artists to perform around the world.

Picture: Aleksandar Mijatovic -

In addition to its activities in Switzerland, Pro Helvetia supported Swiss cultural projects in 92 countries last year. Of the CHF 34 million available to the foundation in 2012, CHF 88.3 % went directly to culture. Administrative costs were reduced despite the rising number of applications. The Foundation processed a total of 3457 applications, 1710 of which were approved. At 49.2 %, the approval rate was slightly lower than in the previous year. 21.3 million was spent on projects by applicants, 3.3 million on projects by external offices, 4.5 million on impulse and exchange programs and 0.9 million on cultural information.

Music is in third place with 5.5 million francs, behind the visual arts with 7.3 million and literature and society with 6.1 million, followed by theater (3.9 million), dance (3.8 million) and interdisciplinary (3.4 million). 993 applications came from the world of music.

Last year, Pro Helvetia also worked with the Association of Swiss Professional Orchestras to develop the basis for improved support for large orchestras.

The French television channel Mezzo was supported in the production of portrait documentaries about ten Swiss composers: Dieter Ammann, Oscar Bianchi, Xavier Dayer, Martin Jaggi, Daniel Ott, Michael Pelzel, Katharina Rosenberger, Annette Schmucki, Nadir Vassena, Michael Wertmüller. The approximately ten-minute Portraits can also be seen on the Pro Helvetia website.

All of the projects supported in 2012 can be Online database The beneficiary, amount and type of project are listed.

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