Pro Helvetia supports music information projects

With its focus on "Digital Culture", Pro Helvetia is responding to the omnipresence of new media. The focus is on mobile devices, digitization in the arts and interdisciplinary collaborations. Among other things, information projects in music are supported.

Photo: Victor Tongdee -

Around half of the Swiss population now uses a smartphone. Other mobile devices that allow us to be online anytime and anywhere have also become an integral part of our everyday lives. How does this omnipresence affect artistic creation? And what new forms of artistic expression does it give rise to? The Swiss Arts Council is addressing these questions from 2013 to 2015 with its new program "Mobile. In Touch with Digital Creation" program.

The second axis of the "Digital Culture" focus opens up the influences of digitization on dissemination, promotion and mediation in the classic art disciplines, such as literature on the Internet or music information projects.

Finally, the "Interdisciplinary Cooperation Projects New Media" call for proposals is looking for joint projects by event organizers, institutions and producers that deal artistically with the latest digital technologies or their social and cultural impact.

Pro Helvetia's "Digital Culture" priority covers the years 2012 to 2015 and has a budget of CHF 1.8 million. Applications can be submitted via to be submitted.


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