National Council committee stands by empty carrier remuneration

Without citing any sources, the umbrella organization Suisseculture writes on its website that the Committee for Economic Affairs and Taxation of the National Council (WAK-N) has rejected a parliamentary initiative to abolish the blank media fee without replacement by 21 votes to 0 (4 abstentions).

Photo: VRD -

Instead of the initiative, the committee unanimously adopted a committee motion. This is intended to instruct the Federal Council to submit alternatives to the current levy on blank data carriers to Parliament. This is to take account of the fact that "electronic means are currently available on the market that can easily circumvent this legal obligation".

Suisseculture suspects that the initiative will soon be definitively rejected by the plenary session of the National Council at the request of the WAK. However, the discussion is not yet off the table due to the Commission's motion. However, by demanding that alternatives should not result in any restrictions on remuneration, the National Council's WAK has "clearly rejected the abolition of blank media remuneration without replacement".

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