GEMA modernizes distribution in the online growth market

GEMA presents a new concept for promoting culture in the growing online market. It also looks at the opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence in the creative process.

Gema general meeting (Image: Gema)

The German GEMA (Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungs- und mechanische Vervielfältigungsrechte - Society for Musical Performing and Mechanical Reproduction Rights) has adopted several amendments to its rules and regulations at its General Assembly which affect various aspects of the online use of music. Against the backdrop of new general agreements, two motions dealt with the online offerings of broadcasting companies: To ensure that broadcasters can easily and legally access GEMA repertoire for productions for their increasingly relevant media libraries, the prerequisites have been created for granting production rights for this area from a single source in future.

At the same time, the General Assembly adopted rules for a separate distribution for media library usage. The distribution for social media platforms was fundamentally further developed so that the income that GEMA generates from YouTube and other platforms can be distributed even more usage-based in future. The General Assembly also set the course for cultural promotion with a special focus on the growing online sector.

The development of artificial intelligence was also hotly debated. GEMA is already using it in certain areas, such as the duplicate detection of setlists. The use of data to train the AI software is a major challenge. Ralf Weigand, Chairman of the GEMA Supervisory Board, emphasized that it must be clear whether a human or a machine has created content.

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