Music sections of the Lucerne Theater under new management

From the 23/24 season, Ursula Benzing as Opera Director and Jonathan Bloxham as Music Director will jointly take over the opera division of the Lucerne Theater.

Ursula Benzing and Jonathan Bloxham (Image: Luzerner Theater)

Ursula Benzing holds a doctorate in musicology and most recently worked as opera director and head music dramaturge at the Staatstheater Kassel. She designed repertoires, including unknown and little-performed operas as well as a complete cycle of Wagner's "Der Ring des Nibelungen". In 2021, she received Kassel's KULTURpunkt Award for "the special promotion of baroque opera and in recognition of her lively exchange with the audience".

Jonathan Bloxham studied at the Yehudi Menuhin School and at the Royal College of Music with Thomas Carroll before completing his studies at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama with Louise Hopkins. He began his career as Assistant Conductor with Mirga Gražinytė-Tyla at the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra (CBSO). For the last eleven years Jonathan has been Artistic Director of the Northern Chords Festival in his home town of Newcastle upon Tyne. Jonathan Bloxham is an advocate of contemporary music and has commissioned several new pieces from young composers such as Vlad Maistorovici, Jack Sheen and Freya Waley Cohen.


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