Young music researchers honored

Young researchers from Switzerland have received awards for their projects at the 57th Swiss Youth in Science (SJF) national competition. Including two music research projects.

Hana Mustafi (Image: sjf)

In her thesis, Hana Mustafi from the Kollegium St. Michael, Fribourg, deals with the question of how cultural identity affects the perception of music. Against a thoroughly researched theoretical background, she conducted an empirical study with 36 test subjects using a specially designed questionnaire and listening experiment, according to the expert Yannick Wey. With concisely presented, vividly conveyed and plausibly interpreted results, Mustafi succeeded in skillfully grasping the complex topic and analytically penetrating the metaphor of music as a "bridge of cultures".

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The "Ogygia" project by Linus Truninger (Kantonsschule Rychenberg, Winterthur) consists of a critically reflected transformation of the Calypso episode from Homer's Odyssey into a modern short opera. Its creator is responsible for the libretto, composition and initial sound staging, and places his work in the historical context of the adaptation of myths on the operatic stage, according to the appraisal by expert Leo Dick. With his artistic research, he demonstrates in an intelligent and sensually tangible way that myths are dependent on being constantly rewritten and updated in order to preserve their identity-forming power.

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