Nominations for the Grand Prix Music 2015

The Federal Office of Culture (FOC) is awarding the Swiss Grand Prix Music for the second time in 2015. It has now announced the nominees.

Markus Flückiger. Photo: zvg

The nominees are Philippe Albèra (Geneva), Nik Bärtsch (Zurich), Malcolm Braff (Vevey / Le Mont Pelerin), Markus Flückiger (Schwyz), Joy Frempong (Bolgatanga (GH)/Zurich), Marcel Gschwend aka Bit-Tuner (St. Gallen/Zurich), Heinz Holliger (Basel), Daniel Humair (Geneva/Paris), Joke Lanz (Basel/Berlin), Christian Pahud (Lausanne), Annette Schmucki (Zurich/Cormoret), Bruno Spoerri (Zurich), Cathy van Eck (Zurich), Nadir Vassena (Lugano) and Christian Zehnder (Basel).

The aim of the Swiss Grand Prix Music is to "honor outstanding and innovative Swiss music creation and bring it to the public's attention". The Swiss Grand Prix Music is endowed with CHF 100,000, the nominations with CHF 25,000 each.

Each year, the FOC mandates a team of ten experts consisting of music journalists, musicians and music experts. This team selects candidates from all regions of Switzerland and from all musical genres to submit to the Federal Music Jury.

The jury consists of Graziella Contratto, Annelis Berger, Thomas Burkhalter, Zeno Gabaglio, Michael Kinzer, Florian Walser and Carine Zuber. In April 2015, they selected the 15 finalists from 53 proposed musicians. The winner of the Swiss Grand Prix Music will be announced at the award ceremony.

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