Cultural message requires amendments to the law

The Swiss parliament adopted various amendments to the Culture Promotion Act (KFG) and the Film Act (FiG) as part of the dispatch on the promotion of culture for the years 2016 to 2020.

Federal Palace. Photo: Roland Zumbühl, picswiss

According to the media release from the councils, the KFG will be amended in order to implement the new measures envisaged in the cultural dispatch. These relate to cultural participation, music education with the "jugend+musik" program as a central element, as well as the promotion of reading and literature.

The revision of the FiG expands the so-called single distributor clause, which was previously only intended for screenings in a registered cinema, for the sale of audiovisual media such as DVDs or videos and for distribution via on-demand or subscription services. The amendment to the FiV regulates the obligation to report statistical data on film exploitation outside cinemas.

The laws and the ordinance will be published on the website of the Federal Office of Culture in mid-December.

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