Diversity of cultural expression in Switzerland

The Federal Council has adopted Switzerland's second state report on the implementation of the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions. The report mentions projects such as the "Helvetiarockt" platform for female musicians.

Kaleidoscope. Photo: Christian Kadluba/flickr.com

The report covers the period from 2012 to 2016, highlights examples of best practice in promoting diversity and identifies future challenges. The next review is scheduled for 2020. The focus will be on digitalization, respect for fundamental rights, the cultural participation of women and young people as well as projects in the field of international cooperation and sustainable development.

The report mentions projects such as the "Helvetiarockt" platform for female musicians or the "Youth Culture Lump Sum" of the Canton of Basel-Stadt, which supports projects by teenagers and young adults up to the age of 30. The report also presents the activities of the Hirondelle Foundation, which campaigns for media freedom in crisis regions, and the "Culture Percentage" program, thanks to which 1 percent of the budget of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC can be used for art and culture.

Website of the report:

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