New Nidwalden music promotion program

The new cantonal support program for young musical talent starts after the summer vacations. 20 music students applied for the program with an audition at the Grossmatt school in Hergiswil on 1 April. 11 were accepted into the program.

Fabio Barmettler on the marimba. Photo: Toni Rosenberger

"The music teachers who teach at our music schools do an outstanding job," says Michael Schönbächler, President of the Nidwalden Music Schools Association. This is the reason for the pleasingly high number of applications for the entrance examination for gifted students. The level of the auditions is roughly comparable to that in other cantons, Schönbächler continues.

Classical, pop and yodeling

The pieces of music performed by the well-prepared music students were just as varied as the instruments. Rock and pop, classical and folk music wowed the jury, who decided at the end of the day which candidates would be accepted into the sponsorship program.

High motivation

The talented musicians are between 10 and 18 years old and are characterized by a high level of motivation. In addition to school, they attend instrumental or singing lessons, take part in ensembles or orchestras and perform at concerts. Participation in regional and national competitions is also on the program. Daily practice is a matter of course for them. "We demand a lot of commitment from our talented musicians. However, they are highly motivated because music is very important to them," says Toni Rosenberger, Managing Director of the Talent Promotion Program.

First year

After the summer vacations, the program starts for the talented students who have been accepted. In addition to additional instrumental or vocal lessons, they will attend theory lessons and other courses. "We are now looking forward to the first cohort of Nidwalden music talents and are excited to see how the program gets off the ground," says Michael Schönbächler.

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