Call for entries for "Classical:NEXT"

Pro Helvetia is launching a call for applications to participate in "Classical:NEXT", the trade fair for classical and contemporary music, which will take place in Rotterdam from May 16 to 19, 2018.

The Rotterdam cultural center De Doelen. Photo: Classical:NEXT/Rien van Rijthoven

Classical:NEXT" is a forum for musicians and professionals from all areas of classical and contemporary music. From event organizers and festivals to publishers, labels and associations to agents and musicians: Around 1200 participants from over 40 countries will meet over four days at the de Doelen congress center in the center of Rotterdam.

Trade fair participants will have the opportunity to expand their international network and attend the extensive trade fair program with showcases, conferences and project presentations.

Pro Helvetia supports representatives of ensembles from the independent music scene who wish to take part in "Classical:NEXT 2018" by covering the accreditation costs (around 360 euros) and contributing a lump sum of 350 francs per person towards travel and accommodation costs. Interested parties should send an email to Tobias Rothfahl, Music Department ( by February 12, 2018 at the latest.

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