Julia Fischer and Benjamin Nyffenegger manage Boswiler Sommer

German violinist Julia Fischer and Aargau cellist Benjamin Nyffenegger will form the future artistic direction duo of the Boswil Summer.

Künstlerhaus Boswil (Image: Voyager, CC BY-SA 3.0)

According to the festival's announcement, the duo will introduce themselves as the artistic management team on July 5, 2023 as part of the "70 Years Künstlerhaus Boswil" anniversary concerts. They will organize smaller festival activities over the course of 2024 and then present the first full summer festival in 2025.

Julia Fischer, born in Munich in 1983, teaches at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Munich alongside her international concert activities and was Germany's youngest professor when she was appointed. She has been committed to bringing classical music to young people for years, which is in line with the focus of the Künstlerhaus Boswil, the festival continues.

Benjamin Nyffenegger, born in Bern in 1984, is deputy principal cellist in the Tonhalle Orchestra and is a member of the Julia Fischer Quartet and the Oliver Schnyder Trio. He is also artistic director of the Seetal Classics in Seon.

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