Urbanization and cultural promotion in Switzerland

On 19 June 2019, Council of States member Hans Stöckli submitted the postulate "The impact of urbanization in Switzerland on cultural promotion". In response, the Federal Office of Culture published a study on July 27, 2021.

Cover picture of the Schweizer Musikzeitung 1_2_2020. Graphic: Hubert Neidhart

The study focuses on the question of "what contribution cultural promotion can make to improve the exchange between the different functional areas - especially between urban and rural areas - while preserving cultural diversity."

The study was carried out by the Brägger office in Dübendorf. Online surveys and telephone interviews with cantonal cultural representatives were supplemented with document analyses and online surveys of selected cities and municipalities.

In conclusion, the study states that "urbanization has led to new realities and challenges for the promotion of culture. However, this has also triggered a variety of developments that ultimately promote cultural diversity and have also brought the different areas (urban and rural areas, functional areas), cultural sectors, cultural professionals, cantonal and communal administrations and ultimately presumably also the different population groups closer together."

The study is available on the website of the Federal Office of Culture.

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