Guidelines for the promotion of cultural participation

The National Cultural Dialogue has published a guideline. This is aimed at private and public cultural funding bodies and offers specific recommendations and instruments for the effective and sustainable promotion of cultural participation.

Photo: Kristina Paparo/ (see below)

The guide summarizes the basic characteristics of participation processes and provides concrete suggestions on how the competencies of a funding body can be expanded and how the participation orientation of cultural institutions and projects can be supported, promoted and accompanied. It supplements the Cultural Participation Handbook as an implementation-oriented guide for private and public bodies and organizations that would like to devote more time to promoting cultural participation.

The National Cultural Dialogue was established in 2011 and brings together representatives of the political authorities and cultural promotion bodies of the cantons, cities, municipalities and the federal government. Its work is based on an agreement from 2011 and the work program adopted for the respective period. The political authorities form the strategic steering body of the National Cultural Dialogue with the head of the Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA), representatives of the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK), the Swiss Association of Cities (SSV) and the Swiss Association of Communes (SGV).

Link to download:

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