
"Educating" means much more than teaching. What does this mean for general education and for music education in particular?

All articles marked in blue can be read directly on the website by clicking on them. All other content can only be found in the printed edition or in the e-paper.


Education that lacks music is not
Musical illiteracy is the worst educational gap there can be

Bien jouer de son instrument ne suffirait plus pour enseigner ?
L'apprentissage de l'étudiant comme un tout

Social music
Hans Georg Nägeli and musical education in young Switzerland

Former des formateurs de musiques actuelles
Le collectif RPM (Recherche en Pédagogie Musicale) en France

It is something spiritual
Are music schools about learning to play an instrument or are they about
for more? David Gattiker, Seung-Yeun Huh and Urs Weibel discuss.

... and also



Happiness machine?
The Stuttgart Eclat Festival underpins its reputation as a performative laboratory of the
Festival landscape.

There are enough placeless urban areas
What goals should Swiss cultural promotion abroad pursue? A situation report from Manaus questions Pro Helvetia's practices and shows how grassroots cultural exchange can work.

With a princely touch
Chamber Music Forum in Bern

Guitar concert revived
Project "Concertino Hans Haug" by Marisa Minder

Carte blanche for Hanspeter Künzler



Wild and orderly learning

The 2nd Symposium for Pop-Rock-Jazz Pedagogy dealt with different forms of learning and debunked common prejudices.

Career in the opera choir
Academy at Theater Basel

L'accomplissement d'un rêve
Renaud Capuçon et les Lausanne Soloists

Valued expert knowledge
Study at the HSLU - Music

Space to live and make music
The "recyclable" Lucerne Music Box is a house explicitly for practicing



- Chris Walton is looking for

Row 9

Since January 2017, Michael Kube has always sat down for us on the 9th of the month in row 9 - with serious, thoughtful, but also amusing comments on current developments and the everyday music business.

Link to series 9

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