
Tiredness can point the way and generate fresh ideas, which in turn help to overcome tiring routines. Lullabies are not to be confused with relaxation music and the right wake-up music gets the day off to a good start.

All articles marked in blue can be read directly on the website by clicking on them. All other content can only be found in the printed edition or in the e-Paper.


Hush, or the sleeping angel will come!
The lullaby is full of abysses and dark forebodings

Le meilleur réveil se fait en musique
Quelle musique choisir pour se réveiller ?

Quand la musique a pour but de nous faire somnoler
Brève histoire de la musique de relaxation

Tired routines
Plea for an alert musical awareness and more courage in concert

Exactness tires, accuracy does not
Interview with the French composer Philippe Schoeller

... and also


L'OSR dans une roulotte
Á la rencontre de son public

Music in times of Corona
Streaming services under the microscope

"I would never have allowed myself this time out"
Interview with the conductor Lorenzo Viotti

Gifted teacher and phenomenal performer
Patrizio Mazzola remembers Hubert Harry

Hall organ twins
Reflecting on the sensible use of new concert hall organs using the example of Basel and Zurich 

Carte blanche for Markus Fleck 


- Thomas Meyer is looking for

Row 9

Since January 2017, Michael Kube has always sat down for us on the 9th of the month in row 9 - with serious, thoughtful, but also amusing comments on current developments and the everyday music business.

Link to series 9

52 x Beethoven

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