Web portal on music and integration

As part of a special project, the German Music Information Center (MIZ) is planning to set up a new information portal on the subject of "Music and Integration". In particular, it is intended to intensify the exchange of experience between stakeholders and organizers of music-related integration projects.

Concert at Café Welcome, Detmold. Photo: Thorsten Krienke/flickr.com

The MIZ is building on its experience with the "Musik macht Heimat" platform launched in October 2015, which was a spontaneous reaction to the diverse and spontaneously organized aid projects for refugees and made the commitment of the music sector visible. As a basis for the new project, comprehensive information on the entire range of initiatives, projects and events relating to the topic of "music and integration" will be compiled and presented.

A members' area provides a forum for those involved and interested in the scene to network, exchange ideas and share experiences. With this offer, the MIZ is taking up the social challenges of the present, in which a change from projects and initiatives of welcome culture to sustainable and long-term integration offers can already be observed, according to the press release from the German Music Council.

The new information platform is due to go online in the course of next year.

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