Death of violinist Michaela Paetsch

The violinist Michaela Paetsch, who lived for a time in the canton of Bern, has died of cancer at the Inselspital in Bern at the age of 61. She became famous in 1987 with a recording of all 24 Paganini Caprices.

Michaela Paetsch (Image: Website Michaela Paetsch)

Born in Colorado Springs (USA) in 1961, Michaela Paetsch studied with Szymon Goldberg at Yale University and the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia, among others. As a soloist, she has performed with orchestras such as the NHK Symphony Orchestra Tokyo, the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra, the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, the Bern Symphony Orchestra, the Basel Symphony Orchestra and the Orchestra Svizzera Italiana.

Paetsch was the winner of the G. B. Dealy Awards in Dallas, at the Reine Elisabeth Competition in Brussels (bronze medal) and at the Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow. She was the first woman in the world to record the complete Paganini Caprices.

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