Precariat of Austrian cultural workers

It is a well-known fact that a disproportionately high number of employees in the cultural industries are precariously employed over the course of their working lives. A recent detailed study now sheds light on the situation in Austria.

Photo: Stephan Dinges/

The study "Unself-employed, self-employed, unemployed" consists of two parts: a legal part, which has already been published, and the social science part, which is now available. The latter deals with central problem and conflict areas with which artists are confronted in the area of unemployment-related social security systems in Austria.

Methodologically, the study section is based on a qualitative, content-analytical evaluation of eight guided expert interviews with an explorative character. The selection of experts focused on members of central interest groups (IGs) in the art field or of relevant authorities and institutions in the field of social security.

The study can be downloaded here:

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