Culture is becoming increasingly attractive for Swiss sponsors

Sport is still the most popular sponsorship area, but Swiss companies are also increasingly focusing on culture. These are the findings of a study conducted by the ZHAW School of Management and Law together with the Swiss Sponsorship Association (FASPO).

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According to the report by the Center for Cultural Management at the ZHAW, almost three quarters of the companies surveyed are involved in sport. The area of corporate responsibility was supported by 50 percent, culture by 48 percent and the media by 24 percent.

On average, companies spent around CHF 1.8 million on sponsorship in 2012. Most of the money (38%) went to sport, followed by culture (23%). Compared to Germany, cultural sponsorship is more important in Switzerland. In the neighboring country, only around 10 percent of funds flow into culture and a whopping 65 percent into sport. Financial service providers (banks, insurance companies) are more active than average in the sponsorship market.

The most common cultural sponsorships relate to film, classical music as well as rock, pop and jazz music. The experts surveyed assume that sponsorship in the areas of film, rock and pop music will continue to gain in importance in the future, while "traditional" areas such as ballet, opera and classical music will tend to lose importance.

The study can be obtained free of charge via the following link:

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