SAJM dissolved after 50 years

There was unanimity among the few members of the Swiss Association for Youth Music and Music Education (SAJM) who accepted the invitation to the Extraordinary General Assembly at the end of November 2013: The decision to dissolve the association was unanimous.

Photo: Claudia Hautumm /

Although the association has a total of almost 500 individual and collective members on paper, it was not possible to appoint a new board. Coupled with the dwindling interest in recorder lessons and the liquidity bottlenecks that have persisted for years as a result of outstanding membership fees, the cut that has now been made is an understandable and logical consequence.

Assistance for the foundation of music schools
Conceived in 1954 and founded a few years later in Zurich, the association was committed to providing children with affordable music lessons for all sections of the population on as broad a basis as possible. Dozens of today's well-established music schools in Switzerland and even those in the Principality of Liechtenstein were founded with the strong support of the members of the association's board at the time. Today's Association of Swiss Music Schools (VMS) also emerged from the association.

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