Glättli becomes President of Swiss Music Export

The Green National Councillor is to become President of the organization Swiss Music Export (SME), which promotes Swiss rock and pop acts abroad. He takes over from SP National Councillor Evi Allemann, who chaired SME for five years.

Photo: Juliette Chretien, wikimedia commons

Founded in 2003, the Swiss Music Export organization supports Swiss musicians in distribution abroad with networking and financial grants. It is supported by Pro Helvetia, the Phonoproduzierende Foundation, the SUISA Foundation, the Fondation CMA, the Migros Culture Percentage and the Swiss Performers Foundation.

Born in 1972, Balthasar Glättli studied philosophy and German and was a member of the Zurich city legislature from 1998 to 2011. From 2004 to 2008, he was co-president of the Zurich Green Party. For seven years, he also led the organization Solidarité sans Frontières, which focuses on migration policy. Since November last year, he has been President of the Green parliamentary group in the Swiss parliament.

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