Net avant-garde calls for copyright law to be relaxed

The Croatian-British music manager Michela Magas called on the European Parliament to relax copyright law at the re:publica trade fair in Berlin, the most important European get-together for Internet players. This should make new business models possible.

re:publica 15 - Day 3. photo: Ralf, flickr commons

One can no longer cling to the old legal structures, quotes the German Cultural Information Center Magas. A learning process has also begun in the music industry, which is looking at the opportunities offered by a relaxation of copyright law.

Magas is the founder of the Music Tech Fest festival, which offers a platform for musical remix culture. This involves combining parts of existing works in a new context. The traditional remuneration models for the use of intellectual property would be expanded to include new sources, such as participation from advertising revenue on internet platforms. This must be taken into account in the reform of copyright law that the European Parliament is currently discussing.

With new regulations, the interests of "gunks" (a fusion of "geek" and "punk") should also be taken into consideration. Gunks are experimenting with music software and freely available open source programming tools and rediscovering the unencumbered creativity that the traditional music industry has lost. New forms of music are also emerging, such as the fusions of music and software code known as "hackathons" or the "Internet of Music", which is developing from the Internet of Things.

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