Suisa distributes YouTube revenue for the first time

With the online settlement of June 2015, SUISA distributes income from the agreement with YouTube for the first time. The income from five quarters is settled. The amount distributed is around CHF 300,000.

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All used and identifiable works are distributed, depending on the click rate. The contract between Suisa and YouTube is currently in its second year. The contract directly licenses usage in 43 countries, as Suisa Director General Andreas Wegelin writes in the company's blog.

The challenge in processing the usage reports from YouTube is not only the enormous amount of data, but also the data quality, especially of the "user-generated content", Wegelin continues. Videos from private users would hardly contain any information on the material used.

For the billing period of 15 months, Suisa processed usage reports from YouTube with around 3.2 million different videos that were viewed a total of 1.7 billion times. Of these, 590.2 million views relate to the repertoire that is billed by Suisa.

The distribution amount per click for the billed period is CHF 0.0008. In comparison, Suisa can distribute an average amount of CHF 0.0018 per stream in the second distribution of Spotify revenues, which is also taking place now, i.e. more than twice as much.

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