Fine for price fixing in the instrument trade

The Swiss Competition Commission (ComCo) has fined Musik Olar AG CHF 65,000 for price fixing in the sale of stringed instruments. The general importer and wholesaler gave its resellers maximum discounts on the resale of stringed instruments.

Photo: Paul-Georg Meister/

Musik Olar AG and its resellers had agreed that the price list published by the general importer for stringed instruments and accessories of various brands was binding in nature, subject to the discount policy communicated. According to the Federal Administration's press release, this constituted an unlawful agreement on minimum prices.

These agreements prevented resellers in Switzerland from engaging in genuine price competition. As a result, competition in this sector in Switzerland was significantly impaired from the beginning of 2010 until mid-2013. As part of an amicable settlement, Musik Olar AG has undertaken not to exert any direct or indirect influence on the sales prices of its retailers in future. The decision can be appealed to the Federal Administrative Court.

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