Suisa with record result

Suisa received CHF 154.3 million in 2016. This enables it to distribute CHF 128.9 million to composers, lyricists and publishers of music in Switzerland and abroad this year, more than ever before in the cooperative's 90-year history.


Compared to the previous year, the increase amounted to 1.6 percent. According to Suisa, the good result is mainly due to higher revenues from the use of music on private radio and TV stations, from remuneration for private copying and from the online sector. Last year, Suisa received CHF 6.1 million for online music usage, 10.7% more than in the previous year (CHF 5.6 million). In 2016, income from streaming was higher than that from downloads for the first time.

Suisa (the abbreviation stands for "Suisse Auteurs") is increasingly taking direct cross-border action to protect rights in the online sector. By founding the joint venture Mint Digital Services with the US organization Sesac this year, it has taken a step towards better representing the interests of its members in the online sector. Mint has already acquired an important major client in the form of major publisher Warner/Chappell Music.

Last year, Suisa slightly reduced its cost deduction to 12.37%. This means that around 88 out of every 100 francs collected is distributed to authors and publishers. The annual result also testifies to "successful negotiations for tariffs and terms of use as well as reliable customers and business partners", Suisa continued.

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