German Federal Association for Music Technology founded

A federal association for music technology in Germany (MusicTech Germany) has been founded in Berlin. Its purpose is to better network organizations and players in the industry and to advocate for greater public funding.

Musictech Board of Directors (Photo: Fraunhofer ICT Group)

MusicTech Germany is committed to promoting innovation and new business models and aims to use its own formats to drive forward the development and dissemination of music technologies in Germany and beyond in order to "strengthen the location for companies and talents from this sector in the long term and sustainably".

The founding members of the association are experts from industry and research, providers of music hardware and software, artists, freelance developers and designers as well as service providers. One of the founding members is the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.

According to the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, the field of application of music technologies has long since ceased to be limited to the music industry; they are also finding their way into other vertical sectors such as the games and film industry, the education sector and the healthcare industry. Membership of MusicTech Germany is the right move for them, as a strong and interdisciplinary network is needed in Germany to ensure that they don't miss out internationally.


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