New Suisa conditions for choirs

The Swiss Choral Association SCV concludes a new, open-ended contract with Suisa. New conditions will apply to members of Switzerland's largest choral association from 2018.

Mani (left) and Salvadé at the signing of the contract (Image: SCV)

The SCV is recognized by Suisa as an industry association, and the SCV, its sub-associations and choirs receive the association discount provided for in the tariff. The joint tariff K (concerts, concert-like performances, shows, ballet, theater) is now also applicable to them.

In tariff group Hb (music performances for dance and entertainment), the conditions under which performance and license rights are compensated have been improved: all events of this type are now covered. Tariff B (music associations and orchestral societies) continues to apply unchanged.

The contract was signed on August 28, 2017 in Aarau in the presence of the Deputy Director of Suisa, Vincent Salvadé, and the Central President of the SCV, Claude-André Mani. Vincent Salvadé will present the contract in detail at the semi-annual meeting of the SCV Central Board in Martigny VS in November.

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