Music policy activities in the National Council
On June 21, the President of the Swiss Music Council and the President of the Parliamentary Group for Music in the National Council each submitted a motion on the topics of "Music education" (Postulate NR Quadranti) and "Value chain of the music sector" (Motion NR Müller-Altermatt).
"When music is not just culture or Technorama and the Museum of Transport are not just museums". The title of the Postulate 19.3725 by Rosmarie Quadranti points out the dilemma: there are tasks that are part of both education and culture. So far, such tasks - such as the implementation of the Article 67a BV - can only be solved by a federal office. The postulate asks the Federal Council to show "which measures can be used by the Federal Office of Culture and the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation to solve tasks that are related to both culture and education."
As the Swiss Music Council writes in its press release today, the Motion 19.3807 "Value chain of the music sector by National Councillor Stefan Müller-Altermatt the Federal Council to take measures that would make it possible to collect statistical data on the economic performance of the entire music sector, "including amateurs, professionals, education, research and science as well as the music industry and the law."
The Swiss Music Council also supports the Motion 19.3322 by National Councillor Thomas Ammann on the tax exemption of compensation for volunteer work.
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