Opportunities for the independent music scene

In a new online focus on independent ensembles, the German Music Information Center (MIZ), an institution of the German Music Council, highlights the opportunities and challenges of the independent music scene.

Photo: Romain Hus / Unsplash (see below)

The MIZ lists around 400 specialist ensembles in early and contemporary music alone, whereby the transitions from contemporary music to jazz and electronic music are often fluid. There is also a large number of ensembles with a classical-romantic focus. As associations of freelancers, however, many ensembles do not have a regular, secure income, but are financed by fees, project funding and donations.

The MIZ online focus provides an overview of the independent music scene and highlights its artistic focus and specific problems. It is supplemented by structural data collected by the MIZ on professional ensembles for early and contemporary music in Germany. The specialized ensembles are presented with their respective repertoire focus, their number of members and information on their instrumentation. The focus also includes literature references, statistics and documents on the subject.

The new online focus can be accessed via https://themen.miz.org/fokus-freie-ensembles.

Photo: Romain Hus / Unsplash

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