Suisseculture likes cultural message
Suisseculture considers the implementation of the cultural message to date and the work of Pro Helvetia and the Federal Office of Culture to be positive. However, the association misses a stronger involvement of cultural organizations in the cultural dialogue.
Both the cultural associations and Suisseculture have been pointing out the fact that the income situation of many artists is inadequate, despite their successful work. The fact that this realization has now been incorporated into the Culture Dispatch and that measures are being promised is extremely gratifying, writes Suisseculture. However, authors are massively underrepresented in Pro Helvetia's committees (Foundation Board, expert commissions and experts).
According to Suissculture, Swiss cultural practitioners in most fields are excluded from participating in numerous European festivals and competitions, while those from other nations that are also not members of the EU are apparently allowed to participate. The cultural associations are calling on the Federal Council to actively promote and develop the negotiating mandate for Switzerland's inclusion in the European cultural program. Where this is not possible, alternative measures should be taken.
Suisseculture welcomes the intentions in the area of art education. In the area of education projects, however, the expressed intention to collaborate with partners must actually take place on an equal footing. Art creation and art education should not compete with each other.
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