Stage Association Member of the German Music Council

The German Stage Association, Federal Association of Theatres and Orchestras, becomes a new member of the German Music Council.

Symbolic image. Photo: Rob Laughter /

The German Stage Association was founded in 1846 and is based in Cologne. It represents the interests of its current 470 members, primarily from the theater and music theater scene. Its members also include public broadcasters and other institutions as associate members as well as artistic directors as personal members.

The Bühnenverein, which is divided into a federal association and eight state associations, aims to preserve, promote and cultivate the diversity of the theater and orchestra landscape. To this end, it is involved in an advisory capacity in federal and state legislative processes, deals with issues relating to the development of theatrical disciplines, but also with topics such as attracting audiences, financing and the public relations work of theaters and orchestras.

Together with the Cultural Foundation of the Federal States, the German Academy of Performing Arts and the respective federal state hosting the award ceremony, the German Stage Association also awards the German Theater Prize "Der Faust".


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