"... I sing, therefore I am" (updated)

IG CHorama wants the ban on choral singing to be relaxed, and an online petition by numerous choral associations underlines this concern. Signing is still possible until December 18.

Symbolic image: Miguel Bautista / unsplash.com

Singing in non-professional choirs has been banned since October 29; professional choirs are allowed to rehearse but not to perform. The IG CHorama writes in its press release of November 4 that the ban on choral activities affects more than 4,000 association choirs and ensembles with over 120,000 singers and more than 600 choir conductors. Planning security is lacking. The choral world is helping to get the pandemic under control and reduce the number of infections by applying strict protection concepts for singing in groups. IG CHorama would like to see the ordinance amended so that singing in groups is possible under certain conditions and that professional choirs are also allowed to give concerts under certain conditions. It is prepared to work on a strategy so that the entire choral scene can "regain its radiance".


"... I sing, therefore I am/Chorsing in times of Corona" is an online petition by numerous choral associationsinitiated by the Swiss Catholic Church Music Association. It is aimed at parliament, the Federal Council and the Federal Office of Public Health. The associations are convinced "that singing in a choir has a positive impact on social life and health, especially in times of crisis". This is why singing in choirs or small ensembles should also be possible again for laypeople, provided that strict protection concepts are adhered to.

The petition is still online until December 18. It will be handed over to Parliament, the Federal Council and the FOPH on December 21.

The initiators wrote on December 14 that they hoped they would "not be the last to be considered in the various easing measures."

Associations involved

The IG CHorama consists of:
A cœur joie ACJ
Association de Soutien aux Chœurs d'Enfants et de Jeunes ASCEJ Association Vaudoise des directeurs de chœurs AVDC European Youth Choir Festival Basel EJCF
Reformed Church Music Association Switzerland RKV Swiss Choral Association SCV Swiss Professional Conductors' Association SBDV Swiss Federation Europa Cantat SFEC
Swiss Catholic Church Music Association SKMV Swiss Children's and Youth Choir Promotion SKJF Swiss Church Choral Federation SKGB
Association of Choral Conductors of Northwestern Switzerland VChN

With the support of the Swiss Association of Music Schools VMS

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