Sonart criticizes cultural cutbacks at SRG

Sonart, the association for independent musicians in Switzerland, is observing "the restructuring announced by the SRG in the cultural sector with great concern". A recognizable strategy in the transformation process for culture is not apparent

Photo (detail): EinDao/WikiCommons

Important cultural formats would be cut without replacement, and there is no future-oriented development project in the music sector, writes the association. For the already beleaguered cultural scene, which had significantly supported the SRG in the NoBillag campaign, this cutback without prospects is a hard blow and is akin to "a betrayal of the many supporters of almost three years ago".

The cutbacks really come at the wrong time in the middle of the coronavirus crisis. Sonart is generally open to the development of contemporary formats, but is calling for the associated reorientation of cultural reporting and the involvement of the relevant industry associations. The association is also demanding that SRG continues to comply with the licensing conditions and fulfills its legal mandate to promote culture.

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