Federal Council spoke with the cultural sector

On October 21, the head of the Federal Department of Home Affairs listened to the continuing urgent concerns of the cultural sector as a result of the Covid crisis in Bern.

Photo: SMZ/ks

The discussion focused on the current situation in the cultural sector, the referendum on the Covid law on November 28 and the extension of the current support measures.

In its latest press release, the Culture Taskforce summarizes the most important concerns as follows:

"1. the top priority is to extend the proven culture-specific compensation and support measures in accordance with Art. 11 of the Covid-19 Act until the end of 2022 (A-Fonds perdu compensation, contributions to transformation projects, emergency aid for cultural workers, financial aid for non-professional cultural associations).

2. short-time working compensation is still needed for temporary employment relationships or employees on call (with 100% compensation for low incomes). These forms of work are typical in the cultural sector.

3) The idea that, from next year, the corona loss of earnings allowance should only be available to those who have to interrupt their gainful employment completely due to official measures must be rejected at all costs. Entitlement to daily allowances must continue to exist even if gainful employment is significantly restricted.

4) The protective shield for public events should be extended until the end of 2022. With a planning lead time of 6 to 9 months for major events, this instrument of risk protection is crucial - especially with a view to the major summer festivals in 2022.

5. associations in the field of amateur culture should also be given access to contributions to transformation projects."

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