Tinner succeeds Rindlisbacher at the SMR

From March 2022, Sandra Tinner will take over the management of the SMR from Nina Rindlisbacher, who will join Sonart - Musikschaffende Schweiz.

Sandra Tinner at the "Night of Light". Photo: zVg

Sandra Tinner was born in La Chaux-de-Fonds and grew up mainly in German-speaking Switzerland. She is a trained Romance philologist and has a doctorate in neurolinguistics on bilingual brains from the University of Zurich. She worked for many years at universities, mainly in the training of future French teachers. Amateur music has accompanied her since childhood.

She discovered a rarely played instrument, the mandolin, by chance. She rehearses weekly with the mandolin or mandola in plucked string orchestras, is a co-founder of the Swiss plucked string orchestra zupf.helvetica and also cultivates her passion for early music with her baroque mandolin. She has been president of the Swiss Plucked Music Association since 2020. Multilingual networking in Switzerland and beyond is very important to her.

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