Loud(r) experiments

The world of sound, its creation, distribution and perception are the focus of the new special exhibition "Worlds of Sound", which opens on April 16, 2014 at the Swiss Science Center Technorama in Winterthur.

Excerpt from the poster for the exhibition,Photo:zvg,SMPV

Over 40 new exhibits, amazing sound spaces, sound sculptures and numerous freehand experiments make the phenomena of sound not only audible. Acoustic vibrations in the air, metal, glass, wood and plastic can also be observed with the eyes and felt as vibrations with the whole body. New sound spaces and unusual sound installations are available.


For example, there is the Klankkaatser or sound reverberation chamber by Dutchman Hans van Koolwijk. The ten-metre-high egg-shaped room is astonishing: music seems to emerge from nowhere directly in the heads of the listeners, and anyone who climbs a little way up the ladder inside hears their own voice as full and powerful as never before with a reverberation of over ten seconds!

An audio bar does not serve drinks, but sounds. Here you can listen to music over your own bones, make glasses vibrate, turn the bar furniture into instruments and make fire dance to the rhythm of the music. And because music is often also a social interaction, the bartender invites guests to a spontaneous jam session. Other unusual musical instruments include percussion and pump organs, cogwheel and perforated sirens or a giant xylophone ball track, all of which playfully open up completely different possibilities for sound production.

Even if you don't know anything about bells and whistles, this is the right place for you. You can't go wrong when experimenting in the sound worlds! Each exhibit comes with instructions for experimenting and further information.

The exhibition will run at least until summer 2015: Tue-Sun 10-17 h
Technorama website

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